
Advancing to the Next Level

Winning a single-player game requires only two steps:
  1. Acquire all key sectors to open the beam gates.

  2. Beam your Host Station to an open beam gate.
Acquiring technology upgrades and power stations and defeating your enemies are almost certainly necessary to achieve these two steps, but doing so merely enables you to perform the two actions that are absolutely required to advance to the next level.

Acquiring Key Sectors

Key sectors are indicated on the
map, and their locations are noted during the mission briefing.
Key Sector as It Appears on the Map
Enemy vehicles will usually protect a key sector, and you will almost always need additional energy or technology upgrades to even reach them. Once you enter a key sector, kill all enemies and shoot any building in the sector to conquer it. The sector's outline color on the map will change, indicating that the key sector is now yours. When you have acquired all key sectors, all beam gates will open and the map will indicate their change in status.
Closed Beam Gate
Open Beam Gate (arrow blinks when open)

Knowing where beam gates and key sectors are located is crucial to good gameplay. Use the mission briefings or use Scouts to peel back the fog of war. Keep a Scout located near a beam gate to quickly note any change in its open or closed status.

Beaming Your Host Station to the Next Level

Once you've opened the beam gates, transport your Host Station to the beam gate you want to use to advance to the next level. Remember that many levels contain more than one beam gate. The beam gate you use will determine the upcoming levels that are available to you, affecting your
pathway to the last level.

Transport your armada to the next level by moving them within the confines of the open beam gate before beaming your Host Station there. Carefully choose which vehicles you want to beam if the maximum transport limit is reached. Each time you destroy an enemy host station, the total number of units you can transport with you through the beam gate increases by one. It's always wise to take your most expensive and powerful vehicles with you.

You can play through all mission levels to reach the last level of the game, or you can bypass certain levels and reach the last level in a more direct manner. Your choice as to which level you choose to play affects the branching sequence of later levels. At times you may reach a standstill, finding it impossible to defeat your enemies along the pathway you've chosen. In this situation, you may have to replay an earlier level in order to acquire technology upgrades and enhance your vehicles.

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